Project Dates:
2019 - Present
Siler City, NC
Description: The Community of the Franciscan Way, or CFW, is a Catholic Worker farm and Mission of the Episcopal Diocese of North Carolina (communityofthefranciscanway ). Seeking a life of prayer, humility, simplicity, and voluntary poverty alongside the poor, CFW operates a pasture-based livestock operation that includes beef, dairy, eggs, chicken, turkey, and pork. In support of the farm’s goals to both diversify into agroforestry and streamline their planned grazing systems, BODHI provided general consulting and site planning to integrate various agroforestry models and supporting infrastructure. BODHI also conducted forestry mulching and thinning to convert approximately 15 acres of unmanaged woodland to grazeable savanna and installed over 2,700 of pressurized water line for rotational livestock watering.